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As per Indian Standard Code IS15259, a home elevator is […]
As per Indian Standard Code IS15259, a home elevator is a kind of mechanical lift specially designed for residential houses, where one or more members of the family take extra comfort and security from their homes. In most of the countries, home elevators are required by law in order to be placed in residential houses. It also helps people do their work in an easier manner as they don't have to go up and down the stairs whenever they want to move from one floor to another. Usually, these elevators are placed in the lobby or at the top of the stairs so that the member of the family can easily get out from the house and do their daily routine. The home elevator comes with safety measures such as emergency stop button, constant pressure control buttons and warning lights.
However, many homeowners are hesitant to install this kind of elevator as there are certain risks involved in it. This is the main reason why most of them are not using residential elevators because of these risks. However, when you know the benefits that you can get from this kind of elevator, you will surely try installing it in your house. Just make sure that you will only use this elevator for the purposes for which it has been designed and never use it other than those things.
Home elevators are very useful in several ways. First of all, if your floors are a little bit soft and some members of your family have weak knees and feet, elevators are great as they can help them carry their things from the first floor to the second floor. Also, it can move from one floor to another smoothly and effortlessly without the need of manual lifting or pushing. And, as a matter of fact, these lifts are made from different types of materials and can either be electric powered or hydraulic powered. However, if you are still not sure whether you need this kind of lift in your house, then you should contact your local elevator company so that they will assist you in making the right decision.
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