Elevator classification


Classified by elevator speed 1 Low-speed ladder: often […]

Classified by elevator speed

1 Low-speed ladder: often refers to elevators with speeds below 1.00m/s.

2 Medium speed ladder: It is often referred to as an elevator with a speed of 1.00 to 2.00 m/s.

3 High-speed ladder: It is often referred to as an elevator with a speed greater than 2.00 m/s.

4 Super high speed: elevators with speeds over 5.00m/s.

Press elevator to classify drivers

1 There is a driver elevator: the operation mode of the elevator is operated by a full-time driver.

2 Driverless Elevator: Passengers enter the elevator car and press the floor button on the control panel. The elevator automatically runs to the destination floor. This type of elevator generally has a collection function.

3 With/without driver's elevator: This type of elevator can change the control circuit and is usually operated by passengers. If the passenger flow is large or if necessary, it should be changed by the driver.